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Il terzo concorso fotografico del Chèi de Bèrghem
Интерьерный #49 2016 (Лучшие из лучших)

StickyType is a medical marijuana classification system that StickyGuide created to help dispensaries and patients easily identify common traits in cannabis. The StickyType for a flower can include four indicators: strength, type, flavor and density. A subset of these indicators can be used to classify other types of medical marijuana like concentrates, edibles, seeds and clones. An example of a StickyType indicating a highest strength, sativa dominant hybrid with a sour flavor and fluffy density. You can utilize the StickyType indicators in several ways at StickyGuide. When a dispensary posts a new medicine to its StickyGuide menu, it can include a StickyType for the medicine, so you can quickly and easily identify its characteristics.

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A Guide to the StickyType Cannabis Classification System - Blog | StickyGuide
Сборник трудов конференции | PDF
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